Sonia sotomayor children books
Sonia sotomayor family
Gr Sonia Sotomayor, the first woman of color to serve on the Supreme Court, encourages readers to be good citizens and community members in this new book.
Just ask by sonia sotomayor pdf
Using her own experience as a child who was diagnosed with diabetes, Justice Sotomayor writes about children with all sorts of challenges–and looks at the special powers those kids have as .
Sonia sotomayor childhood
Using her own experience as a child who was diagnosed with diabetes, Justice Sotomayor writes about children with all sorts of challenges--and looks at the special powers .
Sonia sotomayor book
In a story inspired by her own family's desire to help others, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor takes young readers on a journey through a neighborhood where kids and adults, activists and bus drivers, friends and strangers all help one another to build a better world for themselves and their community.