Sheikh fahd al kanderi biography


an interview (brief Biography) of Sheikh Fahd Al-kanderi.

sheikh fahd al kanderi biography

Assabile moroccan reciters

Sheikh Fahd Al Kandari is a media and marketing genius as he has successfully broadcasted a number of Television programs like, “Bel Quran Ehtadayt”,“traveler with Quran” to name a few.

Muhammad al barrak

Sheikh Fahd Al Kandari is a media and marketing genius as he has successfully broadcasted a number of Television programs like, “Bel Quran Ehtadayt”,“traveler with Quran” .
Salah al hashim
The dome of the mosque is 26 metres (85 ft) in diameter and 43 metres ( ft) high, and is decorated with the Asma al-Husna, the 99 names of God. The mosque can accommodate up Missing: biography.