Abu dawood biography


Sunan Abī Dāwūd is a collection of ḥadīth compiled by Imām Abū Dāwūd Sulaymān ibn al-Ash`ath as-Sijistānī (raḥimahullāh).
abu dawood biography

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Imam Abu Dawud (full name Abu-Dawud Sulaiman bin Al-Aash’ath Al-Azdi as-Sijistani) was born in A.H in Sajistan, a place near Qandhar in Afghanistan.

Abu dawood pdf

Learn about Imam Abu Dawood's distinctive contributions to Hadith literature.

Abu dawood was born in the year
Abu Dawud Sulayman Ibn al-Ash’ath al-Azdi, commonly known as Abu Dawud was one of the scholars who compiled the six collections of hadith and was famous for his book Sunan Abu Dawud, which is one of the references of the Prophet's Hadith (sayings).